You know, whenever we embark upon any new production the first thing we do is insist on the win by the quality and good price to meet the new challenge in the boil market competition. Without a doubt, the SOLOVOX V6S is such a new satellite device.
General Specifications
- 667MHz MIPS processor
- Dual-Core CPU
- Sunplus 1506G solution
- DDR III 1Gb & 2Gb
- Serial Flash 64M
- 576i/480p/576p/720P/1080i/1080p
- HDMI + AV output, match EU, UK, US, and AU power plug
- Support HDMI 1.3
- Analog audio output: Stereo (L+R)
- Screen format: Auto, 4:3, and 16:9
Network Protocol
- Support Ethernet interface (10/100M)
- Support RS232 protocol
- Support PowerVU & Biss Key
- Support RNDIS (Android phone USB network share)
- Support USB Wi-Fi & 3G modem (not built-in)
- Support Stalker, XTREAM, and m3u protocol
- Support OTA update
- SCPC & MCPC receivable from C/Ku band satellites
- DVB S2 demodulator
Built-in web applications
- YouTube, YouPorn, IPTV, Weather
- Support MARS TV X IPTV service (10000+ Live channels & thousands of VODs, Activate code is not built-in
- YouTube, YouPorn, IPTV, Weather
Fully compliant on video, audio, and image
- Video: Fully compliant MPEG-4, H.264, AVC Main Profile Level 3 & High Profile Level 4.1
- Audio: MP3, AC3, OGG, WMA
- Image: JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG
- Running: 12V
- Standby: <1W
- English, French, Deutsch, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, Danish, Greece, Portuguese, Finland, Holland, and Turkish
- USB 2.0
The Unboxing
The main device is accompanied by its Power Adapter, HDMI Cable, Remote Controller, and User Manual.
Front Panel
Apart from a hidden LED screen, the front panel is smooth and doesn’t have any port.
Side Panel
The side panel has two USB ports and an IR port.
- USB port: read information from USB devices
- IR port: send and receive infrared signals from other devices
Back Panel
The back panel has a Power port (DC 12V), an RJ45 port (ETHERNET), a PJ-356 port (RS232), an HDMI port (HD TV), an AV port (AV), and an LNB IN port (LNB IN 13/18V).
Existe alguna lista de Canales de España que se pueda meter al deco V-6S en vez de hacer una búsqueda de satélite. Gracias
Hello Alvaro, we usually upload new channel list provided by some enthusiastic users to our server for online update.
Is the remote control universal?
Hello Friend, you mean is that you want to use the remote control of V6S for your other box?
V6S Kumandası evrensel mi?
Is the V6S Control universal?Is the TV controlled
Hello Izzet,
The remote control of V6S can remote the satellite boxes manufactured by the SOLOVOX, such as SOLOVOX V9S, SOLOVOX, OPENBOX V8S PLUS, SOLOVOX V6, VONTAR V10, VONTAR V10 PLUS, SMBOX SM9, SMBOX V9S PLUS, TUGA BOX MINI, and much more. It should not be applied to other boxes. In other words, it is not a universal remote control.
Thanks and Best Regards,
Hello I just bought the solovox v6s iused the Xtreme to play my IPTV list its log on to the server but channels doesn’t work itryed to update online but the online update has the version any help
Dear Bishowi, generally, this happens if your IPTV Xtream server cannot respond to your V6S, I suggest that you contact your IPTV seller.
i have SOLOVOX V6S . i wont use iptv and mu3 channels
how can i use it ?
Hello Hamad, SOLOVOX V6S support IPTV services such as our MARS TV and MARS TV X, it also supports XTREAM protocol and Stalker protocol. If you need to use MARS TV, you need an activation code. If you have your own XTREAM account or Stalker subscription, you can also easily use it. There are some guides for you:
1, Use MARS TV X through the Xtream protocol
Happy New Year!
Porque en el aparato pone h. 265 y en la descripción dice que lleva el codex h. 264?
Hello Friend, V6S supports H.265. V6 and V8S are both not supported.
Hi, my receiver has 89% signal but it has 0% quality, what is the reason?
Hello Jony,
Can you please give us more information about your signal? I don’t know which signal are you saying? WiFi? Satellite signal? Or you can WhatsApp us and provide some pictures or video for your problem with the signal.
Thanks and Best Regards
Eu comprei um Solovox V6S com SMAR TV por um ano, fiz o passo a passo como fui orientado pelo vendedor. Passos Camds Setup, IPTV, XTREAMCODE ( coloquei Host Name, Username e Password) . Apareceu a validade da assinatura por um ano e o Status: Login Success.
Voltei entre no Network App, Stream Code, Xtream e Live Xtream. Apareceu os canais, selecionei Brasil, mais a cada um minuto fica parando a transmissão.
Fiz como fui orientado pelo vendedor no seguinte site: Tenho antena SKY e minha internet e de 200mb da Oi.
Como você pode mim ajudar a resolver esse problema.
Sorry for a delayed reply because of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic. About your problem, we suggest that you contact your IPTV vendor, if it is our MARS TV X, please directly contact our AliExpress team through our AliExpress store.
Hola, he comprado varios lotes de v6s en su tienda de aliexpress, y todos de un tiempo atras tienen problemas de audio, se escucha a saltos. Es muy desagradable verlo asi, solo sucede en algunos canales HD, algunos receptores se han actualizado al ultimo firmware y no se soluciona, otros siguen con el V2320 y hacen lo mismo. Se han echo busqueda de canales desde una instalacion limpia y siguen igual. Tienen ustedes conocimiento de este problema?, estan instalados en ubicaciones diferentes y a todos les ocurre lo mismo. Espero su respuesta, un saludo.
Hello Roberto, it seems that the operator updated the audio solution for some channels in Spain. There is no such situation in other countries. And so far our engineer team is studying it. And I am suggested that you can contact our AliExpress team for getting a temporary solution.
Hola de nuevo, la solucion temporal que hemos encontrado es darle a la tecla INFO, 2 veces y el audio se estabilaza y sincroniza. Pero esto solo ocurre con sus dispositivos solovox, con los de otras marcas no tengo ese defecto de audio, tengo diferentes dispositivos en la misma casa y puedo asegurarle que solo pasa con los v6s y v9s. Un saludo.
Thanks for your kind feedback. Indeed, this is also very odd for us. There is no any feedback about this situation for V6 and V8S Plus in Spain, just V6S and V9S in Spain. Anyway, according to our sale manager, for those Spain users who purchased from our AliExpress store, they can be provided some compromises.
Hi solovox v6s suppot code h265
AliExpress says it doesn’t support h 265 code and the box says it supports h265 please help AND need canvel one order now
Hello Elkin, SOLOVOX V6S is supported for H265. Actually, you can directly contact the official SOLOVOX AliExpress store for getting more detailed information.
a mii me pasa lo mismo y no han echo nada por solucionarlo , y lo de dar a info , o cambiar de audio no lo soluciona
Hello Sabino, according to some users’ information, it is because the operator updated the audio solution for some channels in Spain. There is no similar feedback in other countries. However, V8S Plus and V6 are both OK, our engineer team is also very strange. Anyway, sorry for the feeling of unease nagged at you by our products. Since like that, we always let our Spain users know this thing when they ready to buy V6S, and we are always suggested that the V6 and V8S Plus are both better choices for all Spain users.
Hello. I have the solovox v6s. I tried to use my own xtream codes list and my own stalker portal list. Either i get “get channels fail” message, or “validation error”. I tried various lists as i got many free trials from different sellers. Sometimes it loads the list but when i go to play the channels they just won’t play.
I even tried to load a list from the usb using the method you are suggesting but still no luck. I have the latest firmwire V3037. If you could help me it will be great. Thanks
Hello Panayiotis, SOLOVOX V6s is supported for Xtream and Stalker. Our engineer will send a new version of software to you for your test soon.
On the AV port, what is the cable that we use?
Hello Friend, attached AV cable photo for your reference.
Buenas tardes.
Acabo de adquirir un V6S, en principio todo correcto, actualicé firmware y cargué lista de canales, pero ahora al encenderlo, llega a 100 y vuelve al ciclo de carga y así continuamente.
Me podríais indicar una solución, he estado mirando y no encuentro nada claro, he encontrado algo sobre conectar por puerto serie, pero tampoco queda claro
Dear friend, have you tried to recover your device? If not, you can try it.
tenho um receptor skybox s-V6 mini fiz uma atualização pela sovolox agora apareceu um tarja não autorizado como devo proceser
Dear Friend, you can directly talk about it with our team (WhatsApp:+86 18665886944).
Witam. Przestały mi odbierać kanały Canal Plus wszystkie i Eurosport. Jaka może byc tego przyczyna?
Dear friend, it should be that the relevant operator updated the way of encryption.
Comprei Solovox v6s mini, na versão de fábrica o CS funcionou poucos dias e parou. Atualizei para última versão on line, porém continua bloqueada a conexao com servidor. Ja tentei configurações novas de internet url do servidor, porém sem sucesso. Alguma dica para solução
Dear Jair, did you try to restore the device? Or you can directly contact our team through WhatsApp (+8618665886944).
Hello, many channels stopped working on the V6S. Any solution for this?
Hello friend, I do not understand too much what you mean, you can contact our team via Whatsapp for your problem.
Hello everyone, I would like to use Solovox V6S in Madagascar, what should I do? Where to buy the decoder and how it works.
Thank you already for your response
Hello Sarb, you should can easily use SOLOVOX V6S if you have a good satellite antenna. Anyway, you can directly contact our team via WhatsApp for more information.

Je n ai pas pû connecter l appareil à internet (wifi)
Et je sais pas trop reconnaître le type de serveur (g share/forever/funcam)
Hello Friend, If you could not connect your WiFi network, you can use RJ45 with network cable just like using computer. And the box supports CCCAMD, NEWCAMD. For more detailed information, please feel free to contact our team via WhatsApp.